Rohit Chawla ‘s entrepreneurial journey is a tale of innovation, customization, and determination in the realm of personal care. Having co-founded The Man Company, he gained...
In a world driven by smartphones and tech-savvy consumers, Gaurav Khatri seized an opportunity that would reshape India’s mobile accessory market. After completing his commercial pilot...
In a world where humidity control is paramount for health, comfort, and various industries, Bry-Air, a leading dehumidifier manufacturer, has been instrumental in transforming this landscape...
In a world inundated with adulterated milk, Tushar Singh, the founder of Mr. Dairy, is on a mission to provide consumers with pure, nutritious, and unadulterated...
Shyam Thakur journey from a school dropout to the founder of a successful QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) chain, Momo King, is a testament to entrepreneurial grit...
As India grapples with the plastic waste crisis, one woman from Gurugram is leading the charge against single-use plastics. Meet Sameera Satija, a 45-year-old Central government...
The global recession of 2008 had a profound impact on various industries, including pharmaceuticals. In the midst of economic turmoil, many entrepreneurs in the pharmaceutical sector...
Suvir Saran, a chef, entrepreneur, and author, has returned to India with a renewed mission and a focus on revolutionizing the culinary landscape. After facing severe...
In 2018, a survey by the National Statistical Office (NSO) revealed that around 2.2 percent of Indians live with disabilities, highlighting the need for comprehensive support...
Plastic pollution is a global menace that threatens our environment and ecosystems. While governments, corporations, and organizations are making strides to combat this issue, some of...