In the dynamic world of fashion, where established brands reign supreme, Mohit Jain embarked on an entrepreneurial journey that led to the creation of Miraggio, a...
In the bustling world of e-commerce, where competition is fierce and brands strive to make their mark, Mohit Jain and Baqar Iftikhar Naqvi embarked on a...
Drones have revolutionized various industries, from videography to agriculture, and their impact on Indian farming is remarkable. IoTechWorld Avigation Pvt Ltd, founded by Deepak Bharadwaj and...
From a simple school project to a remarkable initiative, Tushar Mehrotra, a determined class 10 student at Pathways World School, Gurgaon, has proven that a single...
In a world driven by compassion and a vision for change, Jyotsna Amit stands as a beacon of hope for hundreds of underprivileged children in Gurgaon....
In the vibrant urban landscapes of Gurgaon and New Delhi, a trailblazing fitness haven emerged from one woman’s pursuit of post-pregnancy well-being. Meet Taru Chaddha, the...
In the bustling cities of India, finding an affordable and convenient place to live has long been a challenge, particularly for young professionals and students. However,...
Empowering Mental Wellbeing In a nation where over 7 million individuals are affected by depression, and 36 percent are susceptible to mental health ailments at some...
In the realm of sophisticated home design, Sukrit Bansal has emerged as a true innovator, reshaping the notion of luxury faucets through his visionary brand, Eauset....
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, Sandeep Singh has emerged as a visionary leader, revolutionizing the way we perceive and experience office spaces. As the...