In the ever-evolving landscape of start-ups, where innovation is the key to success, husband-wife duo Anant Kochhar and Tashina Singh embarked on a journey that led...
In the bustling city of Gurugram, where innovation meets tradition, Dr. Nilay Bhatia stands as a trailblazer in the field of dentistry. Renowned for his visionary...
In the vibrant landscape of India’s tech entrepreneurship, three visionaries from IIT Delhi, Mayank Bhangadia, Avinash Saxena, and Kaushal Shubhank, are making waves with, the...
In a country grappling with the critical issue of women’s safety, Kalpana Viswanath has emerged as a catalyst for change, leveraging technology to address and transform...
In a significant boost to the mission of providing formal housing credit solutions for individuals with informal incomes, Shubham Housing Development Finance Company has successfully secured...
Navigating the realm of quick and healthy food options while at work can be a daunting task. The quest for good, clean, and reasonably priced meals...
In a world where finding affordable, comfortable accommodation was often a traveler’s challenge, Ritesh Agarwal emerged as a pioneer, leading a revolution in the hotel industry....
In India, the struggle for access to safe drinking water has been a persistent challenge, with millions facing the harsh reality of water scarcity and contamination....
In the bustling and ever-evolving world of food technology, a Gurgaon-based startup is making a name for itself by delivering high-quality home-cooked meals right to the...
In the bustling city of Delhi, where people often yearn for the comforting taste of ‘maa ke haath ka khana’ (homemade food), Rocketfood has emerged as...