In a world where kitchens are the heart of every home, Neeti Macker embarked on a mission to revolutionize this vital space. Her journey is one...
In the world of entrepreneurship and life’s challenges, Manisha Ahlawat‘s story shines as a testament to learning, evolving, and persisting against all odds. Born in Daurala,...
In a country where the automotive industry significantly contributes to the economy and forms an integral part of everyday life, the need for efficient and reliable...
In the fast-paced world of start-ups, undergoing a rebranding process while maintaining transparent communication with customers can be a daunting challenge. Ankur Warikoo, the Co-founder and...
Nitin Pandey, the founder of Parentune, has created a digital haven for Indian parents seeking real-time advice and support. With a vision to provide personalized content...
Arun Kharat‘s life story is a testament to the power of hard work and entrepreneurship. From humble beginnings in a small Pune chawl to establishing Wings...
In the heart of India’s fashion and lifestyle landscape, two enterprising individuals, Vanya Mishra and Apaksh Gupta, have come together to create SummerLabel, a dynamic platform...
Every piece of clothing holds a story, a memory, or a sentiment that makes it difficult to part with. Ayesha and Manisha Desai, the dynamic sister-founders...
Meet the dynamic duo behind ShopClues, CEO Sanjay Sethi, and CBO Radhika Aggarwal, who have been instrumental in taking India’s online marketplace to new heights. With...
Gursimran Singh, a remarkable 16-year-old student from Gurugram, is making a profound impact on the lives of the visually impaired with his ground-breaking invention, EyeScribe. This...